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GrimHowl: Alkhar
Earned: 313.00 Spent: 298.00 Adjustment: 9.00 Current: 24.00
Last 30 Days: 0% of raids Last 60 Days: 0% of raids Last 90 Days: 0% of raids Lifetime (05/28/05 - 09/20/05): 66% of raids

Raid Attendance History
Date Name Note Earned Current
09/20/05 Onyxia slain Onyxia 18.09 4.00 313.00
09/20/05 Ragnaros MC 18.09 - Ragnaros 3.00 309.00
09/20/05 Majordomo MC 18.09 - Majordomo 1.00 306.00
09/20/05 Golemagg MC 18.09 - Golemmag 1.00 305.00
09/20/05 Sulforon MC 18.09 - Sulforon 1.00 304.00
09/20/05 Shazzrah MC 18.09 - Shazzrah 1.00 303.00
09/20/05 Baron Geddon MC 18.09 - Geddon 1.00 302.00
09/20/05 Garr MC 18.09 - Garr 1.00 301.00
09/20/05 Gehennas MC 18.09 - Gehennas 1.00 300.00
09/20/05 Molten Core MC 18.09 5.00 299.00
09/20/05 Weekly Donation 17th Weekly donation 5.00 294.00
09/18/05 Magmadar MC 17.09 - Magmadar 1.00 289.00
09/18/05 Lucifron MC 17.09 - Lucifron 1.00 288.00
09/18/05 Molten Core MC 17.09 2h 2.00 287.00
09/15/05 Onyxia slain 13.09 Onyxia (3h+kill) 6.00 285.00
09/13/05 Ragnaros 11.08 MC - Ragnaros 3.00 279.00
09/13/05 Majordomo 11.08 MC - Majordomo 1.00 276.00
09/13/05 Golemagg 11.08 MC - Golemagg 1.00 275.00
09/13/05 Sulforon 11.08 MC - Sulfuron 1.00 274.00
09/13/05 Shazzrah 11.08 MC - Shazzrah 1.00 273.00
09/13/05 Baron Geddon 11.08 MC - Geddon 1.00 272.00
09/13/05 Garr 11.08 MC - Garr 1.00 271.00
09/13/05 Gehennas 11.08 MC - Gehennas 1.00 270.00
09/13/05 Molten Core 11.08 MC - 5h 5.00 269.00
09/12/05 Weekly Donation 16th Donation 5.00 264.00
09/11/05 Magmadar 10.09 MC - Magmadar 1.00 259.00
09/11/05 Lucifron 10.09 MC - Lucifron 1.00 258.00
09/11/05 Molten Core 10.09 MC (farming next 2 hours) 2.00 257.00
09/11/05 Molten Core 10.09 MC (farming 1st hour) 1.00 255.00
09/11/05 Blackwing Lair 08.09 BWL Learning 3.00 254.00
09/11/05 Onyxia slain 08.09 Onyxia 4.00 251.00
09/07/05 Ragnaros MC 06.09 - Ragnaros 5.00 247.00
09/07/05 Majordomo MC 06.09 - Majordomo 1.00 242.00
09/07/05 Golemagg MC 06.09 - Golemagg 1.00 241.00
09/07/05 Sulforon MC 06.09 - Sulforon 1.00 240.00
09/07/05 Shazzrah MC 06.09 - Shazzrah 1.00 239.00
09/07/05 Baron Geddon MC 06.09 - Geddon 1.00 238.00
09/07/05 Molten Core MC 06.09 6.00 237.00
09/05/05 Garr   1.00 231.00
09/05/05 Gehennas   1.00 230.00
09/05/05 Magmadar   1.00 229.00
09/05/05 Lucifron   1.00 228.00
09/05/05 Molten Core 3h in Molten Core 3.00 227.00
09/05/05 Weekly Donation 15th Donation 5.00 224.00
09/03/05 Onyxia slain   3.00 219.00
09/03/05 Onyxia attempt   1.00 216.00
09/01/05 Majordomo MC 30.08 Majordomo 1.00 215.00
09/01/05 Golemagg MC 30.08 Golemagg 1.00 214.00
09/01/05 Sulforon MC 30.08 Sulforon 1.00 213.00
09/01/05 Shazzrah MC 30.08 Shazzrah 1.00 212.00
09/01/05 Molten Core MC 30.08 5.00 211.00
08/30/05 Onyxia slain Onyxia 28.08 4.00 206.00
08/30/05 Baron Geddon MC 28.08 - Geddon 1.00 202.00
08/30/05 Garr MC 28.08 - Garr 1.00 201.00
08/30/05 Gehennas MC 28.08 - Gehennas 1.00 200.00
08/30/05 Magmadar MC 28.08 - Magmadar 1.00 199.00
08/30/05 Lucifron MC 28.08 - Lucifron 1.00 198.00
08/30/05 Molten Core MC 28.08 - 5h 5.00 197.00
08/29/05 Weekly Donation 14th Donation 5.00 192.00
08/28/05 Molten Core MC 25.08 - Ragnaros converted to Farming - GP's x4 20.00 187.00
08/23/05 Onyxia slain   3.00 167.00
08/23/05 Onyxia attempt   1.00 164.00
08/23/05 Majordomo   1.00 163.00
08/23/05 Molten Core Domo + Rag 3.00 162.00
08/17/05 Majordomo   1.00 159.00
08/17/05 Golemagg   1.00 158.00
08/17/05 Sulforon   1.00 157.00
08/17/05 Shazzrah   1.00 156.00
08/17/05 Baron Geddon   1.00 155.00
08/17/05 Molten Core 6h in Molten Core 6.00 154.00
07/25/05 Weekly Donation 9th week donation 1.00 148.00
07/19/05 Molten Core Mc 6h [gehennas-majordomo] 10.00 147.00
07/19/05 Garr 18.07 Garr Kill Bonus 1.00 137.00
07/18/05 Gehennas 18.07 Gehennas Kill Bonus 1.00 136.00
07/18/05 Magmadar 18.07 Magmadar Kill Bonus 1.00 135.00
07/18/05 Lucifron 18.07 Lucifron Kill Bonus 1.00 134.00
07/18/05 Molten Core 18.07 5 hours in mc - 21:15-2:17 5.00 133.00
07/18/05 Weekly Donation 8th week donation 1.00 128.00
07/17/05 Molten Core MC 14.07 (6h+2bosses) 8.00 127.00
07/14/05 Blackwing Lair Our first wipe ^^ 1.00 119.00
07/12/05 Molten Core 3h + 4 bosses [gehennas - shazzrah] 7.00 118.00
07/12/05 Molten Core 2h [first part of our raid] + Luci and magma 4.00 111.00
07/12/05 Majordomo 1st kill 5.00 107.00
07/11/05 Weekly Donation Week 7 Donation 1.00 102.00
07/10/05 Onyxia attempt Onyxia attempt 5.00 101.00
07/06/05 Golemagg   1.00 96.00
07/06/05 Sulforon   1.00 95.00
07/06/05 Shazzrah   1.00 94.00
07/06/05 Baron Geddon   1.00 93.00
07/06/05 Garr   1.00 92.00
07/06/05 Gehennas   1.00 91.00
07/06/05 Magmadar   1.00 90.00
07/06/05 Lucifron   1.00 89.00
07/06/05 Molten Core 7h im MC - 8 Bosses 7.00 88.00
07/04/05 Majordomo Majordomo best attempt (last add 40%) 8.00 81.00
07/04/05 Weekly Donation 6th week donation 1.00 73.00
07/03/05 Onyxia attempt First attempt ever (83% / 73%) 2.00 72.00
07/02/05 Sulforon 30.06 - Sulforon 1.00 70.00
07/02/05 Golemagg 30.06 - Golemmag 1.00 69.00
07/02/05 Shazzrah 30.06 - Shazzrah 1.00 68.00
... found 136 attended raid(s) / 100 per page

Item Purchase History
Date Name Raid Spent Current
09/20/05 Robe of Volatile Power Gehennas 99.00 298.00
09/20/05 Robe of Volatile Power Gehennas 12.00 199.00
08/30/05 Mana Igniting Cord Baron Geddon 51.00 187.00
08/23/05 Head of Onyxia Onyxia slain 54.00 136.00
07/14/05 Talisman of Ephemeral Power Molten Core 47.00 82.00
06/24/05 Azuresong Mageblade Golemagg 35.00 35.00
... found 6 purchased item(s) / 100 per page

Individual Adjustment History
Date Reason Adjustment
09/15/05 13.09. Onyxia (2h+no kill) -4.00
07/19/05 Left raid group before end. -1.00
06/24/05 7h in MC 6.00
06/22/05 6h in MC [1GP added as raid] 5.00
06/15/05 Plans: Lionheart Helmet 3.00
... found 5 individual adjustment(s)

Attendance by Event
Event Percent
Weekly Donation
13 (76%)
8 (67%)
8 (67%)
3 (100%)
Onyxia slain
6 (50%)
Onyxia attempt
4 (44%)
Molten Core
31 (74%)
8 (57%)
9 (64%)
10 (67%)
8 (67%)
9 (64%)
9 (64%)
Blackwing Lair
2 (100%)
Baron Geddon
8 (62%)

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